

Writing experience

Released is designed specifically for crafting release notes in a beautiful, distraction free editor. Canny’s focus is to “Capture, organize, and analyze product feedback in one place to inform your product decisions”. Release notes are an afterthought.

Roadmap integration

Released integrates seamlessly with Jira Product Discovery and Jira Software, which means you can use Released to create release notes for all of your roadmap items. This makes it easy to keep your release notes up-to-date and to ensure that they are aligned with your roadmap.





Released's widget and release page are designed to be as user-friendly and informative as possible. Canny’s release page has very little customisation options, making it hard to represent your brand and seamlessly integrate it into your site.

Released's widget and release page are designed to be as user-friendly and informative as possible. Canny’s release page has very little customisation options, making it hard to represent your brand and seamlessly integrate it into your site.







Single app

Released is a Jira app, which means you can use it right inside of Jira. This makes it easy to create and publish release notes, and it also eliminates the need to switch between different apps.

User management

Released uses the same user management as Jira, which means you don't have to create separate accounts for your team members. This makes it easy to get started with Released and to manage your team's access.

Issue syncing

Released syncs directly with Jira. No complicated complex setup or fragile syncing of roadmap items across different systems. This ensures that your release notes are always up-to-date and aligned with your roadmap.


Released gives you access to bugs and small improvements for Changelogs, which means you can include them in your release notes. This makes it easy to keep your users informed about all of the changes that have been made to your product.

Information gathering

Released makes it easy to identify what improvements have been completed and shipped. Canny will still require a back and forth with the engineering team to understand what actually happened this release.





Build into the core

Canny doesn't have any AI features to assist with the writing of release notes. Released was developed with AI at it's core.

Turn issues into descriptions

Released's AI can create draft descriptions from your Jira tickets. This means you can focus your creativity on the most important improvements, and let Released take care of the rest.

Allow users to categorize their posts into different lists.



Keep your customers engaged. With release notes created straight from your Jira tickets.

Keep your customers engaged. With release notes created straight from your Jira tickets.

Keep your customers engaged. With release notes created straight from your Jira tickets.